Steven Colbert and Pastor Chris Ward

The Colbert Report on the Comedy Channel, January 14, 2008

Who is Pastor Chris Ward?

Christopher B. Ward has a Bachelor of Economics from San Diego State University, a Fifth Year, Teacher Education Certificate, from the University of California at Riverside, CA, a Masters of Science in Educational Technology from Walden University, Minneapolis, MN, a Masters of Christian Education, and a Doctorate of Ministry in Christian Education from Golden State School of Theology, Stockton, CA.

He is a member in Kappa Delta Pi the International Honor Society in Education

In addition, he has attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) on a grant from the National Science Foundation, in Computer Equity.

He was enrolled at Harvard Graduate School of Education and Nova Southeartern University for a Doctorate (Ed.D) in Instructional Technology and Distance Education.

Pastor Chris is currently the senior pastor of Logos Christian Fellowship and an alumnus at Golden State School of Theology.

He is retired from a Business Technology Instructor, Technology Manager, and a Web Master for the Lake County School Board.

Chris is the 1999 receiver of the Disney Teacherrrifc Special Judges Award, the Disney Teacherrific of 2000, and the Disney Teacherrific Top Award for 2003. He has been Teacher of the Year three times in Lake County, Florida.

He has been the host of numerous radio talk shows including The Exorcist Files, Chapel Time, and CBS Spiritually Raw Radio.

He has been featured in Steven Colbert Report, MSNBC, The Learning Channel, Tampa 10, Penn & Teller, Glenn Beck, Squared Productions, and Charisma Magazine.

Pastor Chris was a Missionary to Tonga, in the South Pacific, Haiti in the Caribbean, Antigua, Guatemala, Baha, Mexico, and Kenya, in South Africa.

He has taught school for 33 years in California, Tonga, and Florida.

Pastor Chris Ward is also a Viet Name Veteran. He served with the Bloody Red One and then after the Battle of Ap Gu in Recon of the 101st Airborne, 2nd 502 in 1967 - 1968. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge.


Credential Update:

About my credentials: I am a genuine Renaissance man. I have both secular and Christian education.

Secular Education (Accredited):

Ed.D Nova Southeastern University, Anticipated Graduation is June, 2012.
Masters of Science, Educational Technology, Walden University, MN. 2003.
Graduate School of Education, University of California Riverside, Teaching Certificate in Business Education
Golden State, Post-Graduate work in International Banking
University of California at Irvine: Education
Additional Post-Graduate Work:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.): Computer Equity, National Science Foundation Scholarship
Harvard School of Education: Instructional Technology
Intel Teach to the Future Master Teacher

Bachelor's of Economics, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.
Florida Certificate of Education in Business Education, Lake-Sumter Community College, Leesburg, Florida

Christian Education
Doctorate of Ministry, Christian Education, Golden State School of Theology, Stockton California
Masters of Christian Education, Golden State School of Theology, Stockton California
Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL

Florida Teacher Certification Examination: Business and Social Studies

California Teacher Certification Examination (Life): Business, Social Studies, and Special Education (Gifted)

Chris has authored the following books:

Star Code

Christ's Birth @ 555
Rise of the Antichrist @ 666
Mayan Eclipse @ 666

For thousands of years people looked to the stars for navigation, prophecy and predictions. What can we learn from these heavenly bodies? The bible says that the Lord placed them there as faithful witnesses to mark the seasons, the days, and the times. The Bible also tells of wise men from the east that followed a star to Bethlehem to find a king. What other events might be revealed by the movement of the stars and planets? Are there more prophecies hidden in scripture and the stars to direct wise men of today? Is there a Star Code?


Use FREE Planetarium Software to discover the coming date of the rising of the Antichrist.


Order by Mail:

Case Files of an Internet Exorcist

Case Files of an Internet Exorcist

by Pastor Chris Ward


The Phat News of Mark

The Gospel of Mark in the Hippie Street Language with Commentary


Star Code

Case Files of an Internet Exorcist

The Phat News of Mark

Sethites vs. Satans

Pulling Down Giants

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Aliens is Found in the Bible (Audio)

Return of the Nephilim (Audio).

Reutrn of the Watchers. (Audio).

Sethites or Satans (Audio).

Introduction to Keyboarding

Keyboarding Activities

The Digital Equity Curriculum


Real Audio Sound Bytes of Pastor Chris




Pastor Chris Ward was born February 20, 1948 in Agana, Guam. He grew up a Roman Catholic. He attended St. Mary's Catholic School in Wayne Michigan, received Holy Communion and Confirmation, was a member of the Columbian Squires, an Altar Boy for 8 years, still knows the Mass in Latin, and attended Holy Ghost Seminary in Ypsilanti, Michigan to investigate the priesthood.

He is now the senior pastor of Logos Christian Fellowship and CEO of H.E.A.T. a nondenominational independent 1st Century Orthodox Christian Church in Leesburg, Florida.

He has been an exorcist for over two decades. He is 'Born Again,' Baptized in water, Baptized in the Holy Spirit, and speaks and interprets tongues. His gift is healing, miracles, prophecy, teaching, and discernment (1st Corinthians 12:10).


Pastor Chris and his brother Patrick 1962

Thank you!

This is Pastor Chris Ward and I would like to thank you for all of your support and confidence over the twenty plus years that I have been pastor at Logos Christian Fellowship.

I believe that by teaching the Word of God in a congregational and expositional manner, that those who apply themselves will receive healing, restoration, direction, and deliverance by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 16:32 says "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, and so shall your household." This promise is also extended to our neighbors as found in Exodus 12: 1 and 2.

We also believe that man is saved by faith and faith alone, lest any man should boast. You did not earn it by works neither do you loose it by a work.

My favorite scripture is Psalm 37: 23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he stumbles, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand."

It is my desire to assist you in your walk and commitment with the Lord Jesus Christ. If their is anything that I may do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me at or call 407-413-9440.

I invite you to take the Bible Challenge: Read the Bible everday in the Morning for 30 days. If it does not change your life, then I give you permission to stop reading the Bible forever.

Invitation to your Fellowship.

If you would like me to speak or conduct a deliverance and healing service please do not hesitate to contact me.


The very Name of Jesus Christ will set you free!

Call Toll Free @ 407-413-9440




Chris at St. Mary's Catholic School 1958 and 1960: Forty Years of Bow Ties


Exorcism Interviews:

Steven Colbert Report

Penn & Teller

Glenn Beck 666

Squared Productions

Forrest Sawyer, MS/NBC News, October 4, 2000

MSNBC Forrest Sawyer In Search of Satan

CBS Radio Spiritually Raw

570 KLIF Dallas, Benjamin Dover Show 10-3-00

550 KTRS St. Louis, Darrell Ankarlo Show Friday the 13th

Grand Opening of The Exorcist in St. Louis

106.7 KROQ Los Angeles, Kevin & Bean Show 10-16-00

Lost Souls: Marilyn Cutler Producer Court T.V. 9-25-00

Chicago Daily Hearld, Amy Carr 9-29-00

Charisma Magazine Andy Butcher 10-21-00

Fox 6 News Milwaukee, Ted Parry 10-24-00

Wireless Newsflash, San Diego, David Moie 10-25-00

Night Search: Heritage Broadcasting Network 1-19-01

With Eddie Middleton, Eve Lorgen, James and Andy

KCLA Los Angeles 2-2002

The Learning Channel

Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 7 PM

Seth Widdener

Ancient of Days Conference, July 4-6, 2009

Ancient of Days Conference, July 4-6, 2003



Chris was a missionary to Tonga in 1986. He started the Business and Computer College for Lavengamlie Christian School.

Pastor Chris invented the Tongan Wordprocessor in the Tongan language with the help of his gifted computer class at Contra Costa Christian High School. He is seen here with student Mike Fisher presenting Fakafuofua it to the King of Tonga.


Pastor Chris was the President and co-founder of the Leesburg Bible College at Gospel Tabernacle in Leesburg, Florida 1988.

Missionary to


Giving out a Bible study program in Creol, on cassette tape, in Haiti, with crank cassette tape players and the Creole Bible.





Disney Teacherrific Top Award 2003

Share & Shine Digital Equity Project

Pastor Chris Ward won the 2003 Disney Helping Hand Top Award for his Digital Equity Project Share & Shine. He has won all three of Disney's top awards in teachings: Teacherrific (2000), Special Judges Award (1999), ands Top Award (2003). Click on the picture to visit his Share & Shine Digital Equity Project.

1st Place Top Award

Christopher B. Ward

Disney Teacherrific Award 1999

Special Judges Award

$2.500.00 and $500.00 to School

Clermont Middle School:

Hunger Awareness and Human Rights Curriculum in the Middle School


The Hunger Awareness and Human Rights Curriculum was created to introduce students to the problems of hunger, homelessness and human rights in America. It is specially designed to solicit a humanitarian response at the middle school level to the hungry and homeless in the community.


L.P. Ritchardson Literacy Center

A Logos Digital Equity Project

Visit our Refurbish Center

Vietnam Veteran

Pastor Chris is an Agent Orange Disabled Vietnam Veteran

 Vietnam Vets, P.O.W.s ,& M.I.A.s

Chris was in the 101st Airborne Recondos, in the Central Highlands, Viet Nam, 1968.

He was Pointman for the Strike Force Widow Makers, 2nd 502 (Deuce) Recondos.

Now the Pointman for Logos Christian Fellowship.



 Missionary to Guatemala  Missionary to Haiti
 Missionary to Hippies  Missionary to Kenya
 Missionary in Tonga  Teaching Awards
 Missionary to Ufologists  Viet Nam Vet



Thank you and may the Lord bless and keep you!


CALL TOLL FREE 877-566-7264